Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Checks So Far

Alright, so I haven't updated this since recently. Oops. But I have been working on my list and making progress! Most of them have been small things that take time and are a work of progress but they've been progressing all the same. In the meantime, I do still want to put some more time into this Bucket List idea and expand on it soon. I'm even looking at taking a small two day class or two at UO this fall to garner some necessary skills - website building and such. But here's what I've done so far...
I've been making real progress on my dental hygiene! Sounds odd to say that, but it's true. Since we've gotten back from California and I started this list, I've flossed at least once a day every day but two. I will admit those two I missed - I was so tired on both that I went to bed w/o even brushing. Oops. Working on that one too. Now I just need to find a dentist out here to go get an overdue cleaning and check up. 
Currently I'm in the middle of book number two and, knowing me, will be plowed through it by Wednesday or Thursday night. I'm still working my way through several others slowly but surely. I always stop and start on the non-fiction ones. I love fiction with the changes, plot lines, surprises or predictability depending on the style. I like losing myself  in other worlds and lives, expanding my horizon by learning new perspectives. While I enjoy learning the new info that non-fiction books give me, I prefer the fiction more. So, one down last week, working on number two. 
My eat-healthier mantra has been fluctuating but improving. I have made a real effort to drink more water but, after a few...rushing...moments, I scaled back and tried to do it a bit more gradually. Now my water consumption is definitely up but I do still have my off days. Our fridge is full (over flowing often) with healthy foods with the majority of them organic and/or purchased from local growers. Broccoli, artichokes, grass fed beef, goatzzerella, zucchini, cucumbers, hummus, etc. Even today I'll be making a run to pick up a purchase from a local farmer's co-op - lettuce, kale, bacon, ground pork, portabella mushrooms, goat cheese, etc. Tonight I'll be making some delicious thai lettuce wraps with the items I pick up! Even so, although our eating habits have improved, I often open our fridge and can't find anything I want to eat. lol Just today I had a microwaved burrito for lunch. Hmmm...maybe not the best. Still a work in progress. 
I even purchased a few starts from the Eugene Local Foods co-op and started a small 'garden'. Ok, so it's not really a garden. Just parsley, basal mint, peppermint, and lemon mint. Not much, but we also have run out of room on our porch for much more. Even these I'll have to switch to bigger, individual pots pretty soon. If/when we move to a bigger place (hopefully a house with a yard) I'd like to start growing a few more delicious foods and plant flowers. I'm thinking (for food) tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, lettuce, and maybe some peppers? We'll see! As it is, we haven't found a new home for us yet but we do have two months left on our contract so we have plenty of time. 
I have also been making a valiant effort to recycle more. I've been saving whatever I can for use around the house (to Dan's mild frustration) and washing/prepping everything to recycle. Unfortunately, now all our recycling is piled into the trunk of my car. It just takes so long to use those machines that I haven't done it yet. I already did drop off the rest though. Although, I do want it out of my trunk...maybe I should do that today! 
We made a trip to a vineyard last week for a Wine & Wings (or was it Wings & Wine?) event which combined alcohol with bird watching. It was a lot of fun and we saw American Finches and saw an Evening Grosbeak for the first time. Neat birds! The Raptory was there with a few of their birds too - Peregrine Falcon, Barn Owl, Kestrel (my favorite), and a Turkey Vulture. Unfortunately, we didn't have any wine at the event though. I had to work that night and there was a loooong line for the wine tasting. But that was fine since that was at the one vineyard we'd already visited. lol So we need to get a few more vineyards marked off soon. Anybody out for a long lazy weekend afternoon doing wine tastings? Say yes!
Hmmm...Ok, so this is quite long. I suppose I'd better wrap it up and save the rest of my ventures for the next go around. In the meantime, I will be making my way down my list again and marking things off one at a time. Did I mention that I'm going to sign up for Tennis this fall? Yup, also on the list. Anyway, I hope all of you who've read this far are doing well and working on your lists too. You only get one life and you should live it to the fullest!
Until next time...

Monday, April 20, 2009

The beginnings of my list...to be continued and listed in no particular order:

Get this idea up and running!
Recycle More
Try to develop a green thumb/give gardening a try
Visit Crater Lake, Or
Learn archery
Give cross country skiing another chance
Explore lighthouses on the coast
Go on > 2 big hikes/camping trips this summer
Volunteer more (walk dogs at LCAS or Big Brothers/Big Sisters?)
Go to Mt. Rainier
Decorate our home - make it OURS
Get Juneau (our kitty) to meow less at night/stop waking me up!!! (Any advice?)
Take a photography class
Take a pottery class
Take cooking class
Go fishing
Go sailing! I miss it!
Study more. Oops.
Take a wine class or two
Develop my wine palate
Become a master at the BBQ grill (and perfect the Taku Lodge Salmon - Yummy!)
Get in shape (lose 10 lbs?)
Eat more fruits and veggies
Go skydiving (again)
Visit the Farmer's Market > 2x a month
Visit all the local vineyards
Float a few rivers this summer
Try golfing
Leave the country - Mexico?
Play more tennis
Learn to dance! Ballroom, salsa, whatever!
Try taking a strip class
Finish all my generals and pre-reqs (finally! Now that I'm officially at UO)
Bike to school at least 50% of the time
Spend 20 minutes a day stretching/working on abs/both
Learn origami
Eat less beef - and only local grass fed when I do
Buy local whenever possible
Join 2+ organizations at UO this fall
Make 1 new (good) friend a month
Catch up with old friends more often!! I'm sooo bad at this.
Try bungee jumping
Try a new ...* each week for a year
Keep the house cleaner
Get a puppy/dog!
TRAIN the puppy/dog!
Watch less tv
Take better care of my skin/teeth/body (aka - floss more, use more moisturizer, etc)
Go kayaking - river & ocean
Read > 2 books a month
Find us a house to rent
Cook more homemade, made-from-scratch meals
Drink more water

* The ... stands for something that I thought a few people would find, well, potentially offensive so I have omitted the phrase. I did, however, leave it on mostly for reminder purposes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Bucket List Idea

Recently I was reflecting on my life and what I wanted to do in the next year. I started thinking of places I wanted to go, things I wanted to try, standards I wanted to strive for - and I thought, 'Hey, I should make another list!" Perhaps I should back up. Many years ago I was going through a bad break up. Cliche, I know. But as I was struggling to make myself happy again after all that had gone wrong in that last year, I made a list. A "Bucket List" of sorts. Just things I wanted to do. I did a few of them - then I misplaced it and forgot about it for some time. One day months later, I found it buried somewhere in my belongings. Opening it, I was astonished! I still wanted to do all those things and I hadn't touched any of them! So, I started again. While pursuing those little squiggles on the page I had some of the best times of my life. I tried scuba diving, I jumped out of a plane (with a parachute of course), I even moved to Hawaii and eventually went on a foreign exchange in Austria. Those little words, when put into action, helped me explore the world, expand my horizons, and rebuild my happiness and confidence with every check mark. I decided to write a new list!
Now, I'm a firm believer that one of life's greatest joys is to explore new places, ideas, activities, people...just the world! Everybody, in my opinion, would benefit from pursuing such a list. I couldn't be selfish and not invite my friends and family! Better yet, INVOLVE my friends and family! So here's the idea:
I've started a website where everybody can make a list. The lists can include everything - big, small, inane. It doesn't have to be just activities. It can be anything from thoughts, feelings, attitudes, general ideas, whatever! They can be done individually or as groups. For example, my list includes everything from drinking more water and keeping the house a bit more clean to taking a photography class to cooking at least three meals from scratch each week. Some I'll do by myself (read at least two books a month), some I'll invite others to (salsa lessons, anybody?) and some I'll just join others on (Teresa wants to take a rock climbing class). We each post our lists (if we so desire but it's not a prerequisite) and try to knock off one a week or so. If we're busy and miss a week - oh, well. If we're trying to do something bigger that takes longer (learn a new language, master a recipe, whatever) then take longer! If you're going to be doing something that others may want to join, let everybody know! Put it out there - "Hey, we're going to kayak such-and-such a place in wherever, USA on the 15th! Who wants to join?" Just start going after the things in life that you think will make you happy!
The whole point of the site is for idea sharing, support, and networking. The more people that join, the more interesting ideas we'll have and the more adventures we'll all enjoy. It's still a bit of a work in progress, seeing as how I just set it up a few minutes ago, but I'll be expanding it as we go. I just want people to have fun and discover new things! 

As for me, I'm going to follow the same guidelines. I've started my own list and I'll be adding to it continually. As I work my way through my list, I'm going to write my reflections in here. I know from past experience that it's not always going to be easy and it won't always turn out like I think it will - but it will be well worth it all in the end! I hope you all will enjoy my adventures as much as I do! In the meantime, start thinking about what it is YOU want to do in your life...

and check out the website at http://thebucketlistclub.ning.com 
