Monday, April 20, 2009

The beginnings of my be continued and listed in no particular order:

Get this idea up and running!
Recycle More
Try to develop a green thumb/give gardening a try
Visit Crater Lake, Or
Learn archery
Give cross country skiing another chance
Explore lighthouses on the coast
Go on > 2 big hikes/camping trips this summer
Volunteer more (walk dogs at LCAS or Big Brothers/Big Sisters?)
Go to Mt. Rainier
Decorate our home - make it OURS
Get Juneau (our kitty) to meow less at night/stop waking me up!!! (Any advice?)
Take a photography class
Take a pottery class
Take cooking class
Go fishing
Go sailing! I miss it!
Study more. Oops.
Take a wine class or two
Develop my wine palate
Become a master at the BBQ grill (and perfect the Taku Lodge Salmon - Yummy!)
Get in shape (lose 10 lbs?)
Eat more fruits and veggies
Go skydiving (again)
Visit the Farmer's Market > 2x a month
Visit all the local vineyards
Float a few rivers this summer
Try golfing
Leave the country - Mexico?
Play more tennis
Learn to dance! Ballroom, salsa, whatever!
Try taking a strip class
Finish all my generals and pre-reqs (finally! Now that I'm officially at UO)
Bike to school at least 50% of the time
Spend 20 minutes a day stretching/working on abs/both
Learn origami
Eat less beef - and only local grass fed when I do
Buy local whenever possible
Join 2+ organizations at UO this fall
Make 1 new (good) friend a month
Catch up with old friends more often!! I'm sooo bad at this.
Try bungee jumping
Try a new ...* each week for a year
Keep the house cleaner
Get a puppy/dog!
TRAIN the puppy/dog!
Watch less tv
Take better care of my skin/teeth/body (aka - floss more, use more moisturizer, etc)
Go kayaking - river & ocean
Read > 2 books a month
Find us a house to rent
Cook more homemade, made-from-scratch meals
Drink more water

* The ... stands for something that I thought a few people would find, well, potentially offensive so I have omitted the phrase. I did, however, leave it on mostly for reminder purposes.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a list! Shouldn't you add "Get Married?" :-)
